
CONFIDENCE • expressing and eliciting qualities in interaction



ELiciting and ExpressiNG Through Interaction


What: Exploration into expression and enticement of qualities in IxD
Skills: Arduino, Soldering



Confidence can mean trust in someone, but it can also mean a security in yourself – perhaps it can even mean both these things in a given situation. How does confidence build within ourselves? What dynamics can elicite confidence within us from others? In considering these questions I realised that confidence is something which grows within, and that it builds from encouragement from others but also from yourself. Confidence cannot be built by only outsiders, it is an interplay between our inner selves and others.



When considering the questions I was looking for inspirations from different forms of life. As a public figure Beyonce both expresses and elicits confidence. Meanwhile, Sunflowers open up in a way that can be interpreted as a build up of confidence.



Using an Arduino, some LEDs and potentiometer, I made a device which upon detecting a presence near it, would open up a little. At this stage the person interacting with it would have to ‘ encourage it’ but just the right amount in order for it to grow a little. The flower would then have to open up a little bit alone before the encouragement could have much affect. As it opens the flower’s inner lights brighten more and more , demonstrating the strength of opening up and the confidence building.

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